Vibrationsbete med högfrekvent gång, en mycket effektiv modell för Abborre och Gös. Tre olika infästningspunkter på ryggen gör att du kan reglera gången på betet.
- Längd: 7 cm
- Vikt: 10 gram
- Lipless vibrating wobbler, handmade in Poland
- High durability body giving great stability in water
- Elongated shape, perfectly imitating minnow-type fish
- Three mounting holes, allowing for regulate the action, level of vibration and depth
- A precise distribution of weight enhances the perfect balance of the wobbler, its inimitable operation and possibility to fish in a wide range of depths
- A metal front improves the acoustics upon a contact with the botto
- A subtle rattle enhances the operation of the wobbler
- Strong, forged treble hooks from the legendary VMC were used
- It is a multitask tool for spinning anglers, fishing from the shore and from a boat
- IMPULSE wobbler is characterised by a natural, flashing and very dense action
- Clear vibrations enhance the contact between the angler and the lure
- Strong light reflexes draw the attention of predators from greater distances
- High effectiveness and versatility of fishing in rivers, as well as in still waters, also in places with changing depth and diversified shape of the bottom
- Effective during a steady reeling or keeping it in the stream
- Perfect for jigging near the bottom or in the depths
- The construction enables vertical fishing
- Designed to fish for pike, zander, asp, perch and catfish