
Vision Feel 90 - Flyt

999 kr 899 kr
71093 Vision
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Casting a fly line is many times a question of feeling. And casting a nice line makes you feel good.

FEEL 90 is a newcomer of FEEL family that started in 2022. - FEEL 90 a 3-coloured all-round fly line that has a fairly short 9m head which makes casting in tight quarters with roll or spey casts extremely easy. On the other hand, this line works fine with overhead casting as well. It has enough power in the front taper to cast streamers and long leaders for dry fly fishing.

The running line is white, and the head is 2-coloured with a brighter yellow main body for good visibility for the angler and a dark olive tip for a stealthy approach on clear waters. The special features of Feel lines are that they lay extremely straight on the surface which ensures great contact and feel for the flies.

The line has small loops on both ends for attaching backing and leader. The line weight is clearly printed on the front loop.

Feel 90 is lighter in weight compared to Vibe family lines which makes it more delicate line in presentation. Feel lines have nice and soft feeling which gives you a great joy to fish with them.

Feel 90 är lättare jämfört med tex Vibe-serien vilket underlättar för lite mer delikata presentationer, men är man ny i flugfiskesvängen eller bara vill att spöt ska ladda snabbare så kan man välja en linklass tyngre än klassen på ditt spö.

  • Klumplängd: 9 meter
  • Totallängd: 30 meter
  • Densitet: Flytande
  • Kärntyp: Flätad
  • Färg: Olive/Yellow/White
  • Öglad: Ja, i båda ändarna

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